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Brand Tracking Re-Imagined With Real Time Insights

Transform the way you measure consumers’ perception and engagement with your brand and the impact of your marketing activities on brand performance

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Launch Your Consumer Research Survey & Get Insights In 72 Hours

Next-Gen Brand Tracking For The Modern Marketeer

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Precise Segmentation

Reach consumers based on demographics, age, and sampling & purchase intent


Manage surveys on your own schedule, start, pause, or stop them anytime

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Cross Tab & Data Visualisation

Analyse data with cross tabs and visualisations to gain actionable insights

Multi-Tracks and Subtracks

Create duplicates and subtracks of existing surveys and run them concurrently

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Schedule a Free Demo

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From Awareness To Action, Measure Every Metric Precisely

Choose The Survey That Meets Your Marketing Needs

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Concept Testing

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Usage & Attitude Study 

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Logo Testing

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Product Testing

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Video Ad Testing

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Quick Survey

Take Your Brand To The Next Level With Our Solutions!

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Reach your ideal consumers with targeted ads

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Get consumer behaviour & purchase insights

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Discover your consumer preferences with research

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