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The Customer Journey: Mapping the Steps Consumers Take Towards a Purchase

The Customer Journey: Mapping the Steps Consumers Take Towards a Purchase

A recent study in 2024 found that nearly 70% of online shoppers abandon their carts! Why would someone invest time in researching and adding products to their cart only to vanish before the final step? The answer lies in a complex web of interactions – the customer journey.

This journey isn't a straight line from awareness to purchase. It's a winding path filled with decisions, emotions, and touchpoints. And marketeers need to understand the customer journey to create targeted campaigns and content that resonate with customers at each stage. This blog will provide a framework for creating a customer journey map, along with practical tips and examples to help you get started.

What is the Customer Journey?

The customer journey encompasses all the interactions a customer has with a brand, product, or service. It starts with a problem or need and progresses through various stages until a purchase decision is made (or not). Here's a breakdown of the buyer's journey vs. the customer's journey:

  • Buyer's Journey: The overall process of considering, evaluating, and purchasing a product or service. It's a broader term encompassing the general pre-purchase to post-purchase experience.

  • Customer Journey: A brand-specific portion of the buyer's journey. It focuses on the touchpoints a customer has with your company specifically.

By mapping your customer journey, you gain valuable insights into:

  • Customer Needs: Understanding their pain points and motivations allows you to tailor your offerings and content accordingly.

  • Touchpoints: Identifying all the channels customers interact with your brand helps you measure effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

  • Friction Points: Recognizing roadblocks that hinder progress lets you streamline the buying process and boost conversions.

The Stages of the Customer Journey

The Stages of the Customer Journey

Generally, there are five key stages in the customer journey:

  1. Awareness: Customers become aware of a problem they need to solve. They may not know about your product yet, but they'll begin researching potential solutions.

  2. Consideration: Armed with more knowledge, customers compare brands and offerings to find the best fit. Educational content and product comparisons become valuable resources during this stage.

  3. Decision: Customers have narrowed down their options and are ready to buy. Clear calls to action and a seamless purchase process are crucial here.

  4. Retention: Customers have purchased your product and you want them to stick around. Excellent onboarding experiences and ongoing customer service are key to fostering loyalty.

  5. Loyalty: Satisfied customers become brand advocates, recommending your products to others. Exceptional customer experiences throughout the journey are essential for reaching this stage.

Building Your Customer Journey Map

Building Your Customer Journey Map

Creating a customer journey map involves several steps:

  1. Define Your Goals: What do you want to achieve with this map? Is it to improve conversions, enhance customer satisfaction, or identify new touchpoints?

  2. Know Your Personas: Develop buyer personas that represent your ideal customers. Consider their demographics, psychographics, and buying behaviours.

  3. List the Touchpoints: Identify all the channels customers interact with your brand, from social media to your website to customer support interactions.

  4. Map the Stages: Plot the customer journey across the five stages (awareness, consideration, etc.).

  5. Customer Actions & Emotions: For each stage, list the actions customers take and the emotions they might experience (frustration, excitement, etc.).

  6. Identify Pain Points: Highlight any obstacles that hinder customer progress, such as confusing website navigation or slow loading times.

  7. Develop Solutions: Brainstorm ways to address the pain points and improve the customer experience at each stage.

Pro Tip: Leverage customer journey map templates to get started quickly. Many marketing automation platforms offer free templates to streamline the process.

Benefits of Customer Journey Mapping

Benefits of Customer Journey Mapping

Investing time in customer journey mapping offers numerous benefits:

  • Improved Customer Experience: By understanding your customers' needs and challenges, you can personalise their experience and make it more enjoyable.

  • Increased Conversions: Streamlining the buying process and eliminating friction points can significantly boost conversions.

  • Enhanced Customer Retention: By focusing on retention strategies like exceptional customer service, you can keep customers happy and coming back for more.

  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Customer journey maps provide valuable data that can inform marketing, sales, and product development decisions.

  • Alignment Across Departments: A shared customer journey map fosters collaboration and ensures all teams are working towards a common goal – customer satisfaction.


Customer journey mapping is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. By visualising the steps consumers take towards a purchase, you can identify opportunities to improve the customer experience and ultimately achieve your business goals. So, grab a pen, gather your data, and start mapping your customer journey today!


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